Welcome to my Blog


This site was insightful for me as it addresses teaching in
higher education using the constructive approach in online learning. This is something I would like to focus on
and found the information at this site to be very informative and targeted to
my needs. It is a professional goal to
design meaningful online courses that focuses on the needs of the learner. This site provides the designer with ideas
and theoretical references toward use of constructivism in the distance
learning environment. It also includes
information on how teachers need to accept the need for continuing professional
education in teaching and keeping current with technology use in their current
This is a blog site dedicated to instructional design and it
addresses the use of social media in teaching.
I have often avoided the use of social media when teaching because of
the policies and procedures of the institutions I have worked in as a
teacher. After attending a recent
conference I realize that social media works in assisting most younger students
to learn and teachers need to acquaint themselves with this media and its
promise of productivity.
This site coaches teachers in the availability of different
types of media (such as telephone apps) for e learning. I have obtained many new ideas from this site
and have learned that I harbored biases and misconceptions regarding use of
social media sites. My phobia developed
into genuine interest and allowed me to become more open-minded regarding use
of public learning apps.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


The network has presented challenges for me that actually motivate me to research and spend time learning why I cannot access certain sites or add to the blog.  It is frustrating at times but I enjoy testing my skills with technology and learning how to obtain better skills after the research.  I seem to go around in circles sometimes.

The digital tools that best facilitate learning for me are embedding things like sound bites and video into PowerPoint; using smart boards and designing online courses.  I am a visual learner and enjoy a change in venue that digital tools can provide to keep me engaged.

Use internet searches on topics that I am unsure about.  If that leads to a “dead end” I often seek articles and reading materials that are of reference quality.  I will consult with the instructor of the course for guidance when necessary.

The personal learning network supports connectivisim in that learning is a process that involves a network from developing connections (Wikipedia, 2011)  A blog and other social media helps to develop connections with other people who have different opinions which can facilitate learning.  Nurturing connections can facilitate continual learning (Wikipedia, 2011).  A blog can help maintain connections and keep the conversation current and flowing and place value on a blend of ideas.

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